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Mits Liver Ras

Original price was: ₹260.00.Current price is: ₹221.00.

Mits Liver Ras is an efficient Ayurvedic medication to maintain the liver’s health and protection. The combination of specific powerful herbs like Bhringraj, Mulethi, Triphala, and others aids in the treatment of liver conditions like jaundice, infectious hepatitis, anorexia, and liver damage brought on by alcoholism, among others. Mits Liver Ras helps to neutralize all kinds of toxins developed from undigested food, unfiltered water, or other medications.


Mits Liver Ras is an efficient Ayurvedic medication to maintain the liver’s health and protection. The combination of specific powerful herbs like Bhringraj, Mulethi, Triphala, and others aids in the treatment of liver conditions like jaundice, infectious hepatitis, anorexia, and liver damage brought on by alcoholism, among others. Mits Liver Ras helps to neutralize all kinds of toxins developed from undigested food, unfiltered water, or other medications.

About the Product-

  • Bile flow: Mits Liver Ras ensure healthy bile flow by reducing obstruction in the gallbladder.
  • Fatty liver: The herbal ingredients in Mits Liver Ras stimulates the removal of fat deposits in liver cells.
  • Liver infections: Anti-inflammatory and antiviral herbs like Bhringraj, Tulsi, and Harda in Mits Liver Ras fight liver infections.
  • Improve General Health: Mits Liver Ras maintain healthy levels of cholesterol and blood sugar on regular consumption.


  • Protects against viral hepatitis
  • Treats cholestatic jaundice
  • Improves appetite
  • Strengthens digestive system
  • Liver Detoxification


Take 20 ml of Mits Liver Ras with 100 ml water empty stomach in the morning and after dinner.



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