Mits Amla Ras


Mits Amla Ras is a natural extract derived from Indian Gooseberry, offering multiple health benefits for the body and mind. It enhances skin appearance, strengthens bones, boosts immunity, and aids in controlling blood pressure while treating the common cold and cough.


Mits Amla Ras is a natural extract derived from Indian Gooseberry, offering multiple health benefits for the body and mind. It enhances skin appearance, strengthens bones, boosts immunity, and aids in controlling blood pressure while treating the common cold and cough.

About the Product- 

  • Antioxidant: Mits Amla Ras is naturally packed with antioxidants which are useful for keeping the immune system strong.
  • Beta-Carotene: Mits Amla Ras is rich in beta-carotene, which helps combat free radicals in the body.
  • Boost immunity: Mits Amla Ras boosts immunity due to its high content of Vitamin C.
  • Weight Management: Mits Amla juice aids in weight management by boosting metabolism and promoting calorie burn while also facilitating smooth digestion.
  • Cooling agent: It enhances tannins necessary for shielding heat and light, and defends against damaging UV rays.
  • Ayurvedic Digestive: Amla’s alkalinity makes it beneficial for gut health, promoting digestion and bowel movements, as well as aiding in liver detoxification.


  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Promotes stamina and vitality
  • Combats stress and anxiety
  • Strengthens hair follicles
  • Effective for cold and cough.
  • Improves Eyesight


  • Add 30 ml Mits Amla Ras to 30 ml of water, stir, and enjoy
  • Consume empty stomach in the morning
  • Can add sugar, honey, and salt to taste


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